White Coral
What is White Coral?
White Coral (2020-) is a television show created by Quincy and Jack Segal and written & directed by Quincy Segal (under pseudonyms "Quincy Seagull" and "Jack Fun"). The show was first made as an experimental film project to utilize an unconventional medium of storytelling, the video game “MINECRAFT”. By use of screen-recording live video capture software, the show is designed and built with live-action and animated directing elements in mind. The evolution of the show's style and creativity can be seen from the series' first episode in 2020 up through now. Currently, the show boasts a total of 25 episodes, a feature-length film, two 4-episode spin-off miniseries’, and a holiday special. The series also contains a combined voice cast of 47 actors. With the fifth and final season of the show currently in development, White Coral has been, and continues to be, the flagship series of Write Like Brothers Productions’ cinematic endeavors. White Coral is currently free to watch, streaming on YouTube.